Did you know that the Lottery Grants System is being reviewed? We know that not all sectors of our community are not benefiting equally from Lottery funding. This is the first time an end-to-end review has been undertaken since the NZ Lottery Grants Board was established in 1987. Te Kawa…...
Thank you for your support this year
In what felt like the blink of an eye, we arrived in December. This year has been a whirlwind of meaningful fulfilling mahi. Among our many projects, we welcomed world-renowned speaker Vu Le who carried out a fantastic tour across the motu. We continued building strength and capability across our…...
Vu Le Auckland Event
A massive mihi to Vu Le (the writer behind the blog NonprofitAF.com) for an uplifting and invigorating session with a packed audience of Tangata Whenua, community and voluntary sector organisations (AKA Jedi Unicorns) on Tuesday, 4 October, at Te Mahurehure Marae. Our gratitude also to the Panapa whānau and everyone…...
Arotahi ā-Hapori | Community Focus: Liya Lupala (The Blackhouse)
Every Saturday from 3-4pm, The Blackhouse broadcasts on Wellington Access Radio. This radio talk show and podcast centres the African heritage and Black Diaspora experience in Aotearoa. The Blackhouse’s creator, the Tanzanian-Aotearoan Liya Lupala, is committed to providing a space for this diverse community to share stories, social observations, music,…...
6 Reasons Why You Need To See Vu Le live!
As you might have already heard, we are delighted to welcoming Vu Le (“voo lay”) back to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2022. Vu will be visiting Ōtepoti (Dunedin), Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) in September 2022. His visit will generate visibility about the contribution our non-profits continue to…...
Vu Le is coming to Aotearoa, New Zealand
Dunedin Community Builders, Hui E! Community Aotearoa and Volunteering New Zealand are bringing Vu Le (“voo lay”) the blogger behind NonprofitAF.com and the former executive director of Rainier Valley Corp (RVC), a nonprofit in Seattle that promotes social justice, to Aotearoa, New Zealand! Whichever way you choose to consume Vu…...