It’s a challenging time while we bunker down in the COVID-19 Lockdown in Aotearoa New Zealand. Many groups around the country are mobilising their efforts to shop, cook and provide home support for those most in need amongst us.
These charities, incorporated societies and community groups are extending a caring hand from Kaitaia to Bluff, from our cities to rural areas. They’re reaching into all corners of society and working to deliver a spirit of manaakitanga to our most vulnerable and isolated. This includes our elderly, Maori, Pasifika and Ethnic communities, and our youth.
Right now, the impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown and isolation is creating amplified stress for those most in need.
NZ Government’s assistance for community groups
While charities and community organisations are busy delivering local solutions to local needs, it is heartening to see the NZ Government has stepped up to offer help.
The Ministry of Social Development has provided $4.8 million in funding to community groups during this time through the
Community Awareness and Preparedness Grant. One-off grants of up to $5,000 are available for each community group delivering services during this time.
Hui E! helping match grant writers with community groups
At Hui E! Community Aotearoa, we’ve been heartened by the rapid response to requests for grant writers and we’ve matched them with over 40 community organisations seeking support so far.
We are glad to help simplify the process to direct much needed financial support to these people too busy to stop their valuable work right now.
We all need to step up
While we all gratefully applaud the dedication of our essential workers at this time, let’s also acknowledge the invisible forms of community provision going on. Nurturing the bonds of social cohesion and cultural capital are also essential for our communities’ resilience and well being.
These groups need ongoing support so they don’t topple over. Please extend the generosity and compassion you feel now towards our communities by committing to ongoing support of your favourite charities and community groups. They need your help to keep them delivering.

To sign up to our initiative send us your details here (for community groups) or here (for volunteer grant writers).