
Second COVID-19 update for the Community Sector in Aotearoa New Zealand

As we navigate through this difficult and constantly shifting time together, we are seeing communities rally to support each other in creative and safe ways, community organisations collaborating, and everybody sharing tips and tools on how to get through. In this pānui, we’ve have included the latest updates, links and resources relevant specifically to charities and not-for-profit organisations. You can read all our updates on This is the time to pull together to discover our potential in times of adversity, develop our learning in times of uncertainty, and nurture our relationships in times of concern. Let’s remember to be kind to each other.
Kia kaha Rochelle

Rochelle Stewart-Allen Pou Kaiārahi (General Manager) Hui E! Community Aotearoa


For COVID-19 Government Information, click here. For COVID-19 Factsheets in 12 languages, click here. Charities Services have provided a FAQ page on their website to help registered charities access information. You can view it here


Worried about the impact of this period on your funding?

Give yourself peace of mind and contact your funders early to discuss any concerns you have about not being able to meet your funding obligations. Be upfront about your organisational challenges – changing community needs, cancelled events, reduced project delivery, loss of income, staff changes etc. Most funders are quickly adapting their funding models to cover this period and the following months ahead. Examples include Wellington Community Trust and Nikau Foundation.

Philanthropic Sector Response

Philanthropy New Zealand have shared some ideas and resources on what philanthropic funders can do to respond to COVID-19 – PNZ have also published an open letter to funders to guide how they can support their grant recipients during this time –

DIA Funding

If your organisation has received DIA (including Lotteries or COGs) funding and your initiative has been affected due to COVID-19, Community Operations have committed to actively work with you to find the best solution whether that is a time extension, change of purpose, etc. Contact them at 0800 824 824 or community.matters@dia.govt.nzMore information is here.


Wage Subsidy Scheme Covers Community Sector

We were very pleased to hear the Minister of Finance confirm on Monday that the Wage Subsidy Scheme DOES cover registered charities, non-governmental organisations, incorporated societies and post-settlement governance entities. As a sector, we had been working over the past week on this clarity and hope this will bring some financial relief to organisations and staff during this time. Read more about government support for employers here.

Managing your employer obligations

MBIE has released information for organsations to help you manage your employer obligations: A reminder that the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires businesses and organisations to mitigate health and safety risks and protect their workers from them, so far as is reasonably practicable.

Pandemic Response Policy Template

A reminder that Transparency International New Zealand have shared their Pandemic Response Policy which you can use and adapt for your organisation. Thanks for sharing TINZ! View the policy here.


CommunityNet Aotearoa share working remotely tools and resources here Inspiring Stories share their stories of working remotely


A series of free Facebook LIVE conversations and Q&A with panels of experts focused on helping do-good organisations (charities + social enterprises) get through COVID-19. The aim is to help you and your organisation in these uncertain times so we can survive and thrive – we are stronger together! Recordings of the discussions can be accessed here. They cover Mental Health and Self-Care, Remote Work Success, Messaging and Comms, and Finances and Money. Check out the recordings and Facebook Live discussions here.

Check out our first update on COVID-19 information, tools and resources relevant to the community sector.