Hui E! Community Aotearoa is seeking three Tangata Whenua and two Tangata Tiriti members to join our Board. This is an opportunity to be on the governance group of an awesome organisation and make a positive contribution to the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector.
We have particular interest in candidates bringing fundraising and/or finance expertise.
An introduction to Hui E!
Hui E! was established by combining multiple national organisation of the Sector. All of these organisations had a commitment to building a cohesive community sector and to ensure the value and the contribution New Zealand Society is acknowledged.
Hui E! is committed to working within the Spirit of Te Tiriti o Waitangi where our Tangata Whenua [1] and Tangata Tiriti [2] tūpuna/ancestors undertook to live in true partnership acknowledging each other’s Rangatiratanga.
Hui E! operates within the Te Tiriti Relationship Governance Model consisting of up to four (4) Tangata Whenua and four (4) Tangata Tiriti. The leadership is shared by a Tangata Whenua Co-Chair and a Tangata Tiriti Co-Chair.
[1] Tangata Whenua – Generic terms for Māori comprising those with mana whenua responsibilities (Māori who are tied culturally to an area by whakapapa and whose ancestors who lived and died there), together with Taura here (Māori, resident in an area, but who belong to waka and tribes from other parts of Aotearoa/New Zealand).
[2] Tangata Tiriti – Generic term to describe people whose rights to live in Aotearoa/New Zealand derive from Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi and the arrangements that the Crown has established under a common rule of law, and the equity provisions of Article 3 of Te Tiriti/Treaty.
Expectations of board members
1. The role is a voluntary (ie. no meeting fees payable)
2. Attendance to monthly meetings (mostly on Zoom, some face-to-face) and undertake action items as required. Limited funds are available for travel assistance if required
3. Ongoing communication via email, phone or kanohi ki te kanohi with other Board members and the Kaiwhakahaere Matua (Chief Executive)
4. Regular contact with the sector in their own communities and to be actively involved in their communities of interest
5. Advocate and promote the work of the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector locally, regionally and nationally.
Ideal applicants
- A willingness to commit time and effort to meeting the aims and aspirations of Hui E!
- A commitment to the discipline of working within a Tiriti/Treaty relationship framework
- A willingness to advocate for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector across all spheres of society
- Knowledge and / or experience of working within the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector
- Governance or committee experience
- Experience in leadership, strategic thinking and problem solving
- A team player
- Demonstrated experience and /or skills to a high standard
- Demonstrated ability to participate cooperatively in a team with a range of different people
- Capacity to think and act strategically at a national level
- An understanding of the Sector and related issues
- Integrity and standing in the community.
We particularly encourage applications from women, Pacific peoples, Ethnic communities, younger members of the community, individuals with a disability, the LGBTIQ community, provincially-based individuals.
Application process
Please complete the expression of interest below, attach your CV and submit by 5pm, 30 September 2022. If you have any pātai, please reach out to