
Hoa Pūtea Moni: Ngā Rangatahi Toa

Ngā Rangatahi Toa

Ngā Rangatahi Toa is an Auckland-based group helping young people but they had no idea funding for their services was available – and only applied because they saw Hui E! would provide a grant writer.

Hoa Pūtea Moni | Grant Writing Support is a support programme for small charities and community organisations that need help to write grant applications. Hui E! pairs them with skilled volunteers who set them up for success in fundraising. Find out more on the Hoa Pūtea Moni | Grant Writing Support page.

“We were so under the pump with families in crisis, we wouldn’t have had time otherwise. I was contacted by a grant writer within one day of speaking to Hui E!,” says Ngā Rangatahi Toa director Huia O’Sullivan.

“She was amazing. She pulled everything together herself, took the initiative, did her own research, and came to me with an application that was 80 per cent complete. It was just wicked. When working out the budget I was relying on her knowledge to guide me. I had created four possible budget packages and she recommended we pitch the one around wellbeing of our kids.

“Hui E! definitely matched us with the right person. She’s Māori so she understood the position we were coming from in terms of tikanga and Māori methodology. That’s really significant for our families. She knew the nuance of what we were trying to portray for our young people. She told us she wanted to build the capability of our organisation, so she created a foundation document for us, something we can pull from in the future.”