
6 Reasons Why You Need To See Vu Le live!

As you might have already heard, we are delighted to welcoming Vu Le (“voo lay”) back to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2022. 

Vu will be visiting Ōtepoti (Dunedin), Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) in September 2022. His visit will generate visibility about the contribution our non-profits continue to provide to our nation’s hauora | wellbeing. 

As the community and voluntary sector continues to deliver its vital services in the face of increasing demand, it is more important than ever that our people are supported, valued, and thriving in their mahi tahi. 

Here are 6 reasons why you should come see Vu Le: 

  1. Vu is here to bring recognition to the sector, get behind systems change, and advocate for better support for the community sector. 

Our sector in Aotearoa remains underfunded, under-resourced, undervalued, under-recognised and underfunded for all its services and incredible diverse set of skills. This will bring us to a space where we can unpack this issue and how to move forward collectively. 

  1. Vu is all about changing the whole system! While addressing the smaller issues and how to navigate them, his goal is all about systemic changes.   

Our systems and funding models, including our definition of “charity”, are long overdue for updates that better reflect our contemporary environment. These models are not reflective of Te Tiriti o Aotearoa or responsive and accessible for Māori, Pasifika and Ethnic communities. There’s never been a more important time to welcome change. 

  1. Just like our friends at the Todd Foundation and Wellington Community Fund, Vu is an advocate for better grantmaking. 

There is a slow shift towards a more responsive approach to funding that aims to build genuine relationships with community groups, better understand what their needs are and how to best work alongside them in true partnership. Let’s use this kōrero to encourage all our funding partners to adopt these models. 

  1. Vu encourages personal connections, trust, flexible application requirements that cater for language, culture and skills. 

Our community sector is incredible in its ability to collaborate and connect, overcoming many barriers and systemic challenges that could act as barriers. Let’s come together collectively to celebrate our hard work and achievements. 

  1. Vu will help you understand that great applications means more resourced charities and community groups and not necessarily better ones. 

During the pandemic most small community groups in Aotearoa were busy on the frontline serving their communities. They had limited resources or time to find additional funding to match the increasing needs they had to meet. This has resulted in smaller charities becoming more under-resourced and stretched beyond their capacity, affecting the hauora of both their organisations and their kaimahi. 

  1. Vu can say all these things and more to you all in person, if you attend one of our upcoming events in Ōtepoti, Te Whanganui-a-Tara and Tāmaki Makaurau. 

We are all tired of Zoom meetings, and this will be a great space for us all to connect kanohi ki te kanohi and come together to ask for more equitable and fair processes.  

If you have been following us for a while now, you would have realised that at Hui E! Community Aotearoa we have been advocating for these same values and changes that Vu talks about. We want you to be part of our journey, so connect with us so we can work together to help create a more equitable funding system in Aotearoa.  

Registrations open for Vu’s three events on 29 August 2022. 

Check out Vu’s fantastic blog – 

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