Warm thanks to everyone who supported the Hui E! Election Position 2023. You can read the final position statement below. We appreciate your support and engagement in this important kaupapa.
We’re working in the background to take your voices into political parties. You can stay up-to-date with what’s unfolding by joining our network (it’s free).
Reasons why supporters have signed our Election Position
The charitable sector provides essential services including but not exclusive to social care, health care, environmental services, animal care, advocacy and legal support. Our communities and indeed, both Local and Central Government, rely on these services. The sector is a crucial part of the economic and social ecosystem of Aotearoa and should be prioritised as such, from both a funding and a policy perspective, by all political parties. These recommendations go to the heart of that.
Te Rourou, Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation
The barriers to NGOs and community groups accessing funding and resources are limiting the potential of these groups to make meaningful change, for the better of our people and te taiao. Robust policy at a national level is essential to realising the full power and potential of our community & non-profit sector.
Project Blue New Zealand
Community organisations more often than not fill gaps in service delivery left by government to help members of society who are most in need. Government should recognise the importance of this large sector and support them.
Driving Change Network
The Period Place signs our name to this position with the hope that the political parties of Aotearoa will sit across this table that is being created, and engage with our representatives with honesty, and for the first time ever, real backing and support for all that we do.
The Period Place
Without our free budgeting service, where would our vulnerable client go? Who would advocate for them?
Budgeting Services North Canterbury
We would also support the principles and intent outlined in the recent social sector commissioning mahi be honoured and rolled out across all government departments who fund the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector.