On this page, Hui E! have included the latest updates, links and resources relevant specifically to charities and not-for-profit organisations as they navigate the impacts of COVID-19.
COVID-19 Government information in one place
For all COVID-19 Government Information, click here.
Aotearoa New Zealand is currently in Red, and you can find out what that means for your organisation or events here.
If members of your community can’t access the tracer app, Government has produced a Contact Tracing Booklet so people can keep a note of where they’ve been. The booklet can be downloaded and printed from the COVID-19 website and hard copies can be ordered in English, te reo Māori and 22 other languages.
Advice for charities
Charities Services have provided a FAQ page on their website to help registered charities access information. It includes information around delaying your annual reporting or AGM, how to run an audit at this time, and what boards need to be thinking about. You can view it here.
COVID-19 information for Māori
Te Puni Kokiri has updated information for Māori about wellbeing and hauora, schooling, iwi and marae, and funding and support. You can view it here.
Information on deaths, funerals and tangihanga
Information for funeral directors on deaths, funerals and tangihanga is available here.
Guidance for social service providers
Ministry of Social Development has guidelines for social service providers navigating the traffic light system, which you find on their website.
More information on managing volunteers is here: Responding to COVID-19 – Volunteering New Zealand (volunteeringnz.org.nz)
Working with Māori communities?
Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā has developed information and resources specifically for Māori about the COVID-19 pandemic. This information has been developed by leading Māori medical experts for whānau Māori. Read more
Do you work with whānau in financial hardship due to COVID-19? They may be eligible for government funding. Click here for more info and check eligibility.
Information and resources are also available on the depression.org.nz website.
The All Right? campaign has specific messaging and stories to help support the mental wellbeing of Māori.
Working with Pacific communities?
The Ministry of Pacific Peoples has released translated COVID-19 information and videos in 9 Pacific languages here: Ministry for Pacific Peoples — Translated COVID-19 information (mpp.govt.nz)
Working with non-English speaking communities?
Multilingual fact-sheets on COVID-19 are available here.
The Office of Ethnic Communities released multi-lingual videos on Helpline information and COVID-19 information to help people understand what is happening. Videos have been released in Arabic, Burmese, Cantonese, Japanese, Hindi, Mandarin, Persian/Farsi, Punjabi, Shona, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu with more to come. Please share with your community members. You can view the videos here.
Many of the services available to help people during the pandemic have phone lines and subscribe to www.ezispeak.nz. This is a telephone interpretation service that runs 24/7 and covers over 180 languages.
Working with multilingual parents & children?
The Health Literacy Project has published factsheets explaining COVID-19 to children in 35 languages. All of the materials were reviewed and vetted by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals. These materials are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. Access them here
Working with the deaf community?
Deaf Aotearoa have uploaded COVID-19 information in NZ Sign Language here: COVID-19 – Deaf Aotearoa
Working with disabled people and their family and whānau ?
The Ministry of Health has published specific guidance if you are working with disabled people and their family and whānau. If you are a disability or aged care provider see COVID-19: Disability and aged care providers.
Easy Read information is here: COVID-19: Easy Read information | Ministry of Health NZ
Working with young people?
The team at Ara Taiohi, the peak body for youth development, has developed a digital youth sector hub for you as a response to COVID-19 and NZ alert levels. The digital youth sector hub supports people who work with young people with a central space for good information for your mahi, easy access to great ideas for youth development, the support you need, and to know where to go if you are concerned about a young person’s safety. Visit the Digital Youth Sector Hub.
Government support available
There is some financial support available during COVID-19. Up-to-date information is available here.
What grants and funds are available?
Wondering what grant funds are open or closed? Hui E! has collated information on government and philanthropic funding that is available specifically to organisations and groups to support them to navigate the impacts of COVID-19.
Worried about the impact of this period on your funding?
Give yourself peace of mind and contact your funders early to discuss any concerns you have about not being able to meet your funding obligations. Be upfront about your organisational challenges – changing community needs, cancelled events, reduced project delivery, loss of income, staff changes etc. Most funders are quickly adapting their funding models to cover this period and the following months ahead.
DIA Funding
If your organisation has received DIA (including Lotteries or COGs) funding and your initiative has been affected due to COVID-19, Community Operations have committed to actively work with you to find the best solution whether that is a time extension, change of purpose, etc. Contact them at 0800 824 824 or community.matters@dia.govt.nz.
You can also watch this webinar – Funding your charity in a post-COVID world
Managing your employer obligations
MBIE has released information for organisations to help you manage your employer obligations: COVID-19 alert levels and the workplace » Employment New Zealand
A reminder that the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires businesses and organisations to mitigate health and safety risks and protect their workers from them, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Looking after your mental wellbeing
It’s all right not to be all right. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on how we interact with others, our work, study and many other aspects of our daily lives. Everyone reacts differently to difficult events, and some may find this time more challenging than others. If you or those around you are concerned about your mental wellbeing, you can free call or text the number 1737 to speak with a trained counsellor. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Or check out these online mental wellbeing tools supported by the Mental Health Foundation and the Ministry of Health.
This page was last updated on 25 January 2022.