As a peak body, Hui E! Community Aotearoa provides paid advisory services to government, philanthropy and business to enable you to make better decisions.
Hui E! is uniquely positioned to provide advice and support to government, philanthropy and business using our extensive networks and knowledge of the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector.
The not-for-profit sector is a core contributor to the economic, social and environmental capital of Aotearoa New Zealand but often the least visible, valued or measured.
Hui E! can help you understand how Aotearoa’s not-for-profits operate in today’s constantly shifting environment to better support your decision making.
Why choose Hui E! Community Aotearoa?
Hui E! is an independent, trusted voice on sector views, issues and needs. We have a long history of working with and in communities.
Established in 2014, Hui E! whakapapa’s back to the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Taskforce which operated in the mid-2000s. Hui E! was birthed from a merging of two organisations with long histories of serving the sector: the Association of Non-Governmental Organisations of Aotearoa (ANGOA) and Social Development Partners (previously NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations).
What others say about us
“Hui E! does peak body best, through strong leadership, professionalism, it is cohesive and clear and measured.”
“Have always felt I can have a free and frank conversation with Hui E, can trust them.”
“Hui E! does best providing the holistic voice of the sector, it is doing a good job at lifting that up.”